Compressed T-Shirts

Our custom printed T-shirts can be compressed under pressure to be packaged in a cube the size of a bar of soap. When washed once, the shirt will return to normal size. The compressed bar can be molded into any shape or size. We can accept any shirts, towels, or fabric items to be compressed into your shape!

Of course, any kind of regular custom printed T-Shirts are available in any size, style, or color. But why not compress the shirts and try this unique spin on a traditonal favorite? Contact us today and we will be happy to discuss your project. You can search a database of over 500,000 promotional products at

The Print Box Inc.
NYC Showroom:
The Empire State Building
New York, NY 10118
Sales Contact:
Tel: (631) 421-8300
Fax: (631) 421-8301